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Message from Academic Director


Is the age-old dictum that “Schools provide for the all-round development of its students”, still true of the modern educational practices.

The schools of this Millennium appear to stress more on the acquisition of technological skills, which caters more to the development of the skills of the Head and Hands ignoring the skills of the Heart and Aesthetics.

This has resulted in a new brand of students in the schools and colleges of today, and a “value-deficient” brand of professionals and citizens in our modern society.  The attempt of educationists to set right this anomaly is hampered         by changing political philosophies and the “techno-lobbies” whose prime objective is commercial; in the guise of offering magic formulae for solutions to educational problems.

Aware of this alarming trend, the Sacred Heart School, gives much importance to developing the “Human Potential”, we help the children to develop their cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains from the Kindergarten stage to the Higher Secondary stage. By providing facilities and activities and putting in place, practices that would instil in our students a sense of quality and the urge to strive for excellence in everything they do.  Much emphasis is given to personality development and the inculcation of values in all our practices, including class room transactions and co-curriculars; with constant empowerment of students, parents and teachers.

We believe in the active and positive involvement of parents in all our activities; while judiciously selecting optimum technology which will enhance the human potential of our students and our teachers.

Inspired by our Motto, “Sursum Corda”, we raise our hearts in thanks giving and prayers to God Almighty for blessings to guide our teachers, to enlighten and protect our   student and to satisfy our portents and to help to all of us at school to grow up a happy “School family”.                                    

Message from principal


The Sacred Heart School (affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education New Delhi) nestled in the midst of harmonious and serene landscape blended in the general cultural heritage of Kureepuzha Village, towering high as a triumphant flagship of educational institutions, chimes and celebrates the motto ‘Sursum Corda’, Lift up your heart to God.

The School Management has dedicated this school to the Sacred Heart of Jesus who safeguards this school and its inmates like a protective canopy.

The classes are run by very proficient dedicated, love-infusing teachers; following a methodology abreast with the innovative trends which spring up in the educational arena from time to time.  A stable academic discipline remains  fragrant in the atmosphere of the school.  

The school, for the students, creates an energy-field with ultimate goal of a higher state of consciousness that helps foster creative thoughts.

The school boast of its high ranking results in the final year of CBSE class X Examination every year.

The Sacred Heart School imparts to students skill training to empower them in extra-curricular activities like Vocal music, Instrumental music, Yoga, Karate, Aerobics, Roller-skates and Art & Craft and the students in return make their Alma Mater reach the pinnacle of reputation by bagging awards in Sports and Games  and in Cultural Programmes too.

The Sacred Heart by its very divine name stands high in every fronts pertaining to education.


God bless.


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